Privacy document.

Upholland Community Band Privacy Notice


This document explains how we, Upholland Community Band, use data about living individuals.

Why do we need your information?

We use personal data to help organise the running of Upholland Community Band and to ensure all members are kept safe. 

Whose data do we collect?

We hold data on those who attend the band. If members are under 18, we hold data on their parents/carers. 

How we obtain your data

The majority of the information we hold about you has been provided directly to us by you.

We use Google documents to collect our data on a yearly basis. 

What we do with your data and why

The core purposes of our data processing are to:

  • send communications to you about Upholland Community Band.
  • build financial and volunteer support for Upholland Community Band through various fundraising and marketing activities.
  • administer membership and
  • promote the aims and objectives of Upholland Community Band.

We may use data obtained other than from you to ensure that your contact details are up to date, to plan our fundraising and to ensure that appropriate due diligence is carried out to safeguard the assets and reputation of Upholland Community Band. 

We collect the following classes of information:

  • Name(s) and address, email, phone number and other relevant contact details and preferences
  • Relevant family or friends information, including emergency contact details.
  • Relevant medical information

Protecting your data

 We keep your data secure in our database with appropriate security mechanisms in place.

In principle we do not share your data with anyone else or any other organisation unless it is necessary for the purpose for which you have given us the data. 

Our responsibilities

The law requires us to tell you the basis on which we process your data.

  • Some activities (for example sending you emails which promote Upholland Community Band’s interests) require your consent. If the law requires your consent to process data in a certain way then we will obtain it before carrying out that activity.
  • The law allows us to process your data if it is in our legitimate interest to do so, but only so long as we need to and your “interests or your fundamental rights and freedoms are not overriding”. Practically speaking, this means we carry out an exercise to check that we will not cause you harm by processing your data, that the processing is not overly intrusive and that we will only do so in a way which is described in this privacy notice.

We will keep data for as long as is needed to complete the task for which it was collected. Membership of the Upholland Community Band is often long term, and so we expect to keep your data for as long as that relationship exists, or until we no longer need it.

Your rights

The law requires us to tell you that you have a variety of rights about the way we process your data. These are as follows:

  • Where our use of your data requires consent, you may withdraw this consent at any time.
  • Where we rely on our legitimate interest to process data, you may ask us to stop doing so.
  • You may request a copy of the data we hold about you.
  • You may change or stop the way in which we communicate with you or process data about you, and if it is not required for the purpose you provided it, then we will do so. 
  • If you are not satisfied with the way we have processed your data then you can complain to the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this privacy notice, about the way in which we process your data, or if you wish to change the way we use your data, including how we communicate with you, then please contact us: